EDI Toolkit

Building a more equitable, diverse and inclusive profession together.

Sharing curated resources for individuals, firms, and AIA chapters to build a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion in California’s architectural profession.

Everything You Need


Curated resources to help you think more deeply about EDI and understand how these concepts impact an individual, a firm, or an AIA component.


EDI programs from AIA components in California.


Connecting you to people, guides, scholarly material, etc., on EDI topics to deepen your understanding.


We can’t do it alone. Share resources, get involved – contact ndennis@aiacalifornia.org

About AIA CA

Championing a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion to create an equitable community for everyone within the architectural profession.

Learn about AIA CA

Harnessing the passion of our members and the broader design community, AIA California is taking steps to advance racial justice and equity in our organization, our profession, and our communities. By harnessing the power of others, can we pull together and advocate for those who are marginalized and underrepresented and affect real change.
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